
Nick’s approach to training is intelligent, thoughtful, carefully-tailored, research-driven and brilliantly structured. He is relentlessly cheerful, encouraging and supportive – even before silly-o-clock in the morning!

After I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease four years ago, I was resigned to a steady, inexorable loss of mobility. Nick’s thoroughly researched and methodically delivered exercise programme has not just helped me take control of my symptoms (and improved my psychological state) – but I’m also convinced he’s helped me significantly reduce their debilitating impact.
At the same time, he’s helped me get fitter than I’ve been in decades
— MR D
I have a history of back problems, involving a bulging disc and degenerative discs. I had back surgery in 2018, but when the pain started to reappear I contacted Nick through his website in March 2020. I was very nervous and anxious about any form of exercise, due to the back issues and previous negative experience of attending gyms and classes.

Nick worked patiently and skilfully with me, putting together a programme that would build up the strength in my back. He listened to what I wanted to achieve through the training, and spent time each session checking in about how I was, and how my back was feeling.
I am still training with Nick, 3 years later, and have gone from not being able to walk more than 10-15 minutes without pain, to walking 100k over two days, running a half marathon, and cycling 100k in a day. Nick has encouraged me through all my madcap challenges. He puts together well researched programmes, not only to support whatever event is current, but to help me achieve my goal.

I would highly recommend Nick as a PT. He is knowledgeable, and always puts programmes together that will push me beyond what I think I can manage…but his instinct about my ability is always right! The training sessions can be tough, but there’s always laughter and fun, as Nick will put you at ease with the humour element of training!

Having a personal trainer is much more than achieving a good level of physical fitness, it’s also about a strong level of mental health. The principles by which Spark Move Grow operates help me reach my potential and more.
— catherine, b
Nick has been invaluable in my endeavours to improve my health and wellbeing.
Having widespread osteoarthritis he has been attentive to my limitations and has adapted and devised a muscle strengthening programme that has improved my flexibility and stability.

Working with Nick has helped my self-confidence and belief that I can - with perseverance - maintain my current level of mobility.
Working with Nick has done me the world of good!
I started weekly sessions with Nick nearly a year ago. Being in my late 40’s my initial goal was just to keep myself fit enough to be able to carry on enjoying the sports I love such as skiing and surfing. The results however have far surpassed my initial goals: when I started, I could barely do a couple of press-ups; at the last time of testing I could manage 53 in a minute which really shows how effective Nick’s techniques are.

I had previously joined gyms but that never worked for me, I just don’t have the discipline. The sessions with Nick are always fun, and far from being a chore they are something I look forward to every week
— adam, b
I’ve trained with Nick on a weekly basis for over 2 years and would highly recommend him.
I’m in my mid forties and my initial goals were to raise my general fitness and just enjoy exercising again and Nick has certainly been able to help me achieve these goals. He makes all the sessions enjoyable and varied so training doesn’t become repetitive. I’ve done both in-person training and on-line virtual sessions with Nick and both work really well.

Nick is very flexible in his approach and is able to adapt sessions to any injuries you might have; for example I suffer with knee and hip issues and he has devised training plans that have improved my aches and pains considerably!

Nick is very passionate about health and exercise and his motivation and enthusiasm has really helped on those days when I’ve needed a big push! He has also spent time reviewing and advising me on my diet and nutrition which I have found hugely helpful. His sessions are so much fun too, so don’t hesitate to contact Nick whatever your goals are - he will certainly be able to help you.
Nick’s online coaching has proven a great way to tap into his expertise from a distance to keep my training structured and focused. Nick is dedicated to ensuring our regular check-in talks help us to set the right targets while keeping the training challenging, fun and varied. With Nick’s video tutorials, he also makes sure the same level of guidance on technique and form are available as there would be in person. I’d highly recommend Nick’s online coaching for anybody wanting the personal trainer experience alongside the flexibility of training whenever and wherever.
— Chris, B
I’m in my 50’s and I’ve wanted to improve my fitness for a while; a friend recommended Nick and I thought I would investigate.

Right from the initial consultation I’ve been really impressed. Throughout our training Nick has been encouraging, specific to what I want and flexible and I would have no hesitation in recommending Spark Move Grow and what Nick does.

Thank you Nick and may many others benefit from your encouragement, patience and guidance and flexibility.
— Wayne, D
I thought it was now or never to lose weight and looked at different ways of doing it -
running, fitness DVDs and the gym but nothing appealed to me. Nick asked me if I would like to try boxing and I haven’t looked back.

We have a boxing session every week, and although sometimes I don’t feel particularly enthusiastic in the morning, as soon as we get started I feel great and the session flies by. Nick constantly gets the best out of me and I come out of our sessions feeling good about myself; I can already see the weight loss and my overall fitness improving session by session. I’ve recently kitted out my garage with my own punchbag and ball to improve my speed, accuracy and my footwork.

If it wasn’t for Nick consistently getting the best out of me, I may have already given up. If you want to get involved in boxing, do have a chat with Nick. He’s a brilliant coach and a top bloke too.
— GAVIN (gav), C
Although short and sweet (I was only in Finchampstead a week) I really enjoyed the sessions. They were dynamic and informative.

I definitely benefitted from them and when I’m next on a film working in your neck of the woods... I’ll be back!
I’ve been boxing training with Nick for over 7 months and I can honestly say that it is the best stress reliever and most fun form of exercise I have ever had. Nick is an amazing coach; he listens, knows how to get the best out of me and always makes me feel at home in his gym.

I recommend Nick and his boxing training 100%. My boxing sessions are a great workout but have also been amazing for my mental health; if you’ve had a bad day or stressful time, I guarantee that an hour’s boxing with Nick will work wonders for your mental health!
— maria, g
I’ve been training 3 times a week with Nick for 6 months now. When I started, my goals were to focus on upper body and core strength, and the training program that Nick has developed for me has certainly caused me to see substantial results over that time. Pull-ups are no longer a thing only other people can do!
Nick is always happy to explain the exercises beforehand and gives plenty of encouragement when I am doing them. He is also careful to ensure that the weight I’m lifting is appropriate, and makes sure my form is correct.

I’d definitely recommend Nick to anyone wanting to improve their level of fitness and strength.
— Gavin, B
After a “hiatus” from regular exercise, I contacted Nick to help me get back into regular training and right from the start, he was quick to identify what worked for me. Despite having never done much strength training before, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed using weights and pushing myself.
When the first ‘lockdown’ happened we started to train ‘virtually’ and haven’t stopped. Nick knows my equipment and abilities and we’ve been able to train using Zoom ever since.
Nick has got an abundance of fun and imaginative exercises that keep our sessions interesting and he always pushes me; I’ve been delighted with the progress I’ve made under Nick’s guidance. Nick is passionate about exercise and motivational (and he always follows-up to check how I am doing after a challenging session) and has really helped me get excited about exercising again and I recommend him without hesitation!
Last year I was due to start looking after my 1 year old granddaughter and was aware that I wasn’t as fit as I’d like to be and was concerned about my core strength, lifting and carrying her. Being 68 at the time, a bit overweight with arthritis and osteopenia I was a bit nervous! I’ve never been keen on exercise, have tried the gym but hated it.

I contacted Nick as I decided a one-to-one approach would suit me better. He was so encouraging and reassuring that although I was apprehensive, I was keen to give it a go.

One year on and I can’t recommend him enough. I have done exercises I couldn’t have imagined being able to do, have achieved fitness levels far greater than expected and can now keep up with my 4yr old grandson when he wants to run to the park, as well as lifting his little sister with no problem. My muscle strength is much improved so the pain I had been having with arthritis is reduced; I used to use knee and wrist supports but no longer need these at all.

Nick is very motivating, sets challenging targets and will push you to your limits - which are higher than you think!
The virtual sessions are great and have meant that training could carry on throughout lockdown, which kicked in so soon after I started working with Nick. I wasn’t sure about doing virtual sessions at first, but they’re so easy and being able to work out at home is great.

If you are considering doing this I would say, definitely go for it, no matter what your age or starting point. If I can do what I have done, anyone can.
— Linda, E
I have always avoided exercise and have shied away from it since I was a child. However, after much deliberation, I decided I needed to get fitter and started training with Nick. Initially I was pretty nervous about training but it’s been amazing.

Having enjoyed our training so much, Nick suggested we try boxing training. As someone who finds the idea of boxing intimidating, I’d never have tried it, but now our boxing sessions are the highlight of my week. Nick has taught me the techniques and built up my confidence; he reads my body and endurance so knows exactly what I can physically do. He’s also focused on boxing strategy because he knows I love the mental workout side of things.
He isn’t scary and his first priority is my safety. We work incredibly hard, and have a hilarious time doing it and I honestly can’t recommend Nick enough.
I’m 35 and Nick’s SparkMoveGrow training has seen me through my post-natal period and also kept me fit and active during my second pregnancy. I continue to train with Nick now and I love my sessions - they are fun and varied, and even when I’m flagging Nick’s motivation and enthusiasm gets me through, so I have achieved much more than I ever expected to. He puts such a lot of effort into training me, and his commitment makes me want to work harder. My sessions are all via video link since I don’t live locally to Nick, and it works a treat - I can exercise from the comfort of my own home. I cannot recommend Nick highly enough - I am fitter and stronger than I’ve ever been, and I’m thrilled with the results.
— Anna, S
I do a lot of boxing training and yoga and was looking for a PT to develop my strength and mobility. Nick was recommended to me as a PT who specialised in bodyweight training and had some proper experience.

Immediately he was able to identify weak points in my strength and mobility and created a programme to achieve intermediate/advanced gymnastic exercises. In only 2 months I’ve worked through plateaus in my own training and surpassed my expectations on what I’d be able to achieve (I can now perform a solid L-Sit and the skin-the-cat gymnastic routine) and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Nick’s help and education.

Nick’s focus on form and understanding of anatomy has helped me massively and I recommend him highly.
— Sebastian, D
I’ve always enjoyed keeping fit but I decided that I wanted to push myself more and so I got in touch with Nick.
Nick took the time to listen to me and hear what I wanted to achieve. He created a weekly 3 session plan for where I do two ‘DIY’ sessions a week and we meet once a week ‘in-person’. These sessions pushed me to achieve things I’d never thought I could do and I’ve seen a big change in my body and have felt so much better mentally.

Nick then introduced me to boxing.
I’d never even thought about learning how to box, let alone doing it, but it’s been amazing. I absolutely love our weekly boxing lesson: it’s a great workout - both physically and mentally, and although it is flipping hard work, Nick has a way of getting the best out of you without you even realising.

My boxing lessons have made me feel a lot more confident in myself and combined with my ‘DIY’ circuit sessions, I’ve achieved a level of fitness I never thought was possible at my age (49 years old). I’m also now the very proud owner of my own set of (pink) boxing gloves.
Following the Covid-19 ‘lockdown’ my company started to work from home. To help team morale through this challenging period I got in touch with Nick and arranged a weekly video circuit training session for my team. The sessions have been fun and engaging and have energised the whole team for the day ahead! I’d recommend all companies get in touch with Nick.
— Lloyd C, [Studentpad.co.uk, Founder)
I’m 56 and I’ve been training with Nick at my home three times a week for the last 5 months. Having had lower back issues I really needed a one to one exercise routine with a professionally trained PT instructor like Nick. I’m so happy with the exercise routine he has put in place for me. He has listened very carefully to my concerns during the workouts and put my mind at rest to help me push through. He is excellent at giving instruction and helping me adopt the correct exercise positions, which are vital to body heath and well being. He is supportive & kind with a great sense of humour and yet assertive and obviously gets huge job satisfaction from helping to keep me challenged. I can’t recommend him highly enough.
— Suzannah, H
I’m 41 and have been working with Nick for a couple of months now based on a programme of once a week with Nick directly and two additional sessions planned and created for me to complete individually. I was a very active individual up until the point my career demanded more of my time ~15 years ago. I have recently become a Father, have a few aches and pains due to commuting and work travel abroad, and simply wanted to ensure that when my daughter is in her teens I am still more than able to be a very active parent in my 50s. I also wanted a way to manage corporate stress in a more constructive way.

Nick has built a progressive programme focused on core strength and muscle development that pushes me more and more week on week based on goals he feels I can achieve. Working around my busy schedule has been most accommodating whilst ensuring the cadence of sessions is maintained. The sessions are fun yet focused, exhausting yet energising. In this finite period of time I feel success, strength, and belief where doubt was lurking.

I whole heartedly recommend Spark Move Grow and Nick’s ability to spur you on further when you think there’s nothing left to give. Warning, an extra set when you think you’re finished along with being conditioned to dislike chairs could be a probable outcome... Embrace it!
— DAN, G
“I have been working with Nick for 2 months, in that time he has helped me meet some significant personal goals and kept me motivated week on week.
I would highly recommend Nick, it may be challenging but it will be fun and he will keep you going!”
— LIZ, P
Nick is a brilliant P.T. He listens and is truly interested in getting the best out of you to achieve your goals! He’s a lovely guy and great fun too. I wholeheartedly recommend Nick!
— Michaela, K
I’m a 37 year old with two very energetic kids! I’ve suffered with back problems from the usual stresses and strains of carrying the kids in lots of awkward positions. Nick has given me really good advice and exercises to strengthen but also improve my posture. His enthusiasm for exercise is infectious and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our training sessions. I would recommend Nick to anyone who is looking to get fit and make improvements to their body.
— Rob, G
I’ve been working out with Nick for a couple of months now. I have had problems with my lower back/discs since childhood and more recently an issue with my hips. I’ve always enjoyed exercise but have increasingly found it difficult to find something which worked for me because of these issues. Fast forward to now and having worked with Nick, I’m already stronger, healthier and happier. Nick continually adapts exercises so that I’m pushing myself without causing discomfort or harm. He’s creative and patient, pushing me when he knows I can do more and always checking in to see I’m ok.
My physiotherapist is really pleased with the increased muscle strength in my upper back and core. Nick has also managed to incorporate my physiotherapists’ recommendations in my work-outs. I don’t live locally to Nick so 90% of the time our sessions are virtual. It works really well and being able to work out from the comfort of my own home is great. If you’re thinking about doing this I urge you to be brave and have a go. You won’t regret it!